Israeli Forces Detain and Abuse Dozens of Palestinian Civilians at UNRWA-Managed Schools in Northern Gaza

Geneva - The Israeli army detained and severely abused dozens of Palestinian civilians in the northern Gaza Strip, said Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, surrounding two shelter centers in the town of Beit Lahia for days before beating the individuals and stripping them of their clothes.

Euro-Med Monitor received reports that Israeli forces launched random and arbitrary arrest campaigns against displaced people, including doctors, academics, journalists, and elderly men, in the Khalifa Bin Zayed and New Aleppo schools, both of which are affiliated with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

The sister of journalist Diaa Al-Kahlot told Euro-Med Monitor that members of the Israeli military forced Al-Kahlot to leave his seven-year-old disabled child, Nada, on her own. He was then taken into custody at gunpoint and, like all of the other detainees, had his clothes removed after being beaten severely.

Muhammad Al-Kahlot, who is of no relation to Diaa Al-Kahlot, said that the Israeli forces deliberately set fire to several homes in the Beit Lahia area and launched random arrest campaigns against the remaining residents.

Euro-Med Monitor has documented incidents of sniping and direct killing carried out by the Israeli army against displaced people in the vicinity of the two aforementioned schools. The Geneva-based human rights organization stated that members of Israel’s army targeted everyone who tried to leave, even though they were raising white flags.

A young man called Mohammed Al-Rai told the Euro-Med Monitor team that he saw at least seven other young men shot and killed by the Israeli forces in separate incidents, due to their refused to undress and comply with the humiliating orders of the army.

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor called for the opening of an urgent investigation into the Israeli army’s violations against civilians and for the United Nations to assume its responsibilities for acting to protect displaced Palestinian people and ensure their safety.


Jeshi la Israel limekamata na kuwatesa vibaya mamia ya raia wa Palestina kaskazini mwa Ukanda wa Gaza, kulingana na taarifa kutoka  Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor. Inasemekana kuwa walizunguka vituo viwili vya makazi katika mji wa Beit Lahia kwa siku kadhaa kabla ya kuwapiga raia na kuwanyang'anya nguo zao.

Euro-Med Monitor ilipokea taarifa kwamba vikosi vya Israel vilizindua kampeini za kukamata watu kiholela, ikiwemo madaktari, wasomi, waandishi wa habari, na wanaume wazee, katika shule ya Khalifa Bin Zayed na New Aleppo, ambazo zote zipo chini ya Wakala wa Umoja wa Mataifa wa Kuhudumia Wakimbizi wa Kipalestina (UNRWA).

Dada wa mwandishi wa habari Diaa Al-Kahlot aliiambia Euro-Med Monitor kwamba wanajeshi wa Israel walimlazimisha Al-Kahlot kumwacha binti yake mwenye umri wa miaka saba na mlemavu, Nada, pekee yake. Kisha alikamatwa kwa nguvu na, kama ilivyokuwa kwa wafungwa wengine wote, alinyang'anywa nguo zake baada ya kuteswa vibaya.

Muhammad Al-Kahlot, ambaye hana uhusiano na Diaa Al-Kahlot, alisema kuwa vikosi vya Israel walichoma moto nyumba kadhaa kwa makusudi katika eneo la Beit Lahia na kuzindua kampeini za kukamata watu kiholela dhidi ya wakazi waliobaki.

Euro-Med Monitor ina matukio ya kupigwa risasi na kuuawa kwa raia na jeshi la Israel, watu ambao walihamishwa katika maeneo ya shule hizo mbili. Shirika la haki za binadamu lenye makao yake mjini Geneva lilisema kuwa wanajeshi wa Israel walimlenga kila mtu aliyetaka kuondoka, hata kama alikuwa ameinua bendera nyeupe (kusalimu amri).

Kijana mmoja aitwaye Mohammed Al-Rai aliiambia timu ya Euro-Med Monitor kwamba aliona takriban vijana wengine saba wakipigwa risasi na kuuawa na vikosi vya Israel katika matukio tofauti tofauti, kwa sababu walikataa kuvua nguo na kufuata amri za kudhalilisha za jeshi.

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor iliitaka kufanyike uchunguzi wa haraka kuhusu uvunjifu wa haki za binadamu uliofanywa na jeshi la Israel dhidi ya raia, na pia kuutaka Umoja wa Mataifa kutekeleza majukumu yake ya kulinda watu wa Palestina waliokimbia na kuhakikisha usalama wao.

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