Ar­rest Ne­tanyahu and halt the geno­cide in Gaza: NETANYAHU AKAMATWE NA MAUAJI YA HALAIKI YASITISHWE GAZA


Ar­rest Ne­tanyahu and halt the geno­cide in Gaza

Dr Naledi Pandor

Sunday Times

12 November 2023

● For far too long the people of Palestine have been denied the right to exist as human beings and to enjoy the freedoms we fought so hard for in South Africa. These rights do not belong to some and not to others. We have expressed our outrage at the war crimes in Palestine, particularly the targeting of civilians, many of whom are innocent children, the destruction of civilian infrastructure, UN schools, and almost half of the hospitals in Gaza.

Even during the darkest days of apartheid, we were not subjected to the targeted bombing of hospitals, schools or residential buildings. Apartheid South Africa had its horrors over many decades, but the scenes we are witnessing in Gaza are another level of cruelty.

Ordinary people around the world, including Jewish people who have made it clear that these crimes will not be committed in their name, have taken to the streets in their hundreds of thousands to express solidarity with the people of Palestine.

Several governments have pledged unconditional support for Israel, even providing financial and material support including arms, thereby potentially aiding and abetting the crimes being perpetrated. By not holding Israel accountable for its persistent breaches of international law, they embolden Israel to continue acting with impunity and undermining a just international legal order.

The latest breaches of international norms by the government of Israel and the wilful killing of civilians, including children, warrant the immediate imposition of an arms embargo on Israel. To ensure that there is indeed a de-escalation, this should include a similar embargo on the Palestinian armed groups.

A just and lasting peace will not be achieved through the use of force by the occupying power, nor through armed resistance by the Palestinians. A just and lasting peace does, however, require the UN and the international community to ensure that the impunity that Israel and its leaders have been operating under for decades comes to an end.

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has opened an investigation into the situation in Palestine. We call on the prosecutor to speed up the investigation and explore breaches of three of the four crimes under ICC jurisdiction: war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

We expect that warrants of arrest should be executed for those most responsible as per the ICC principles of command and superior responsibility. These include Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and some of his cabinet members. Failure to do so will exacerbate the growing cynicism that international law is applied selectively for political purposes.

The devastation of the current conflict is welldocumented and horrendous. Given the gravity of the situation, South Africa has repeatedly called for an immediate, comprehensive ceasefire, allowing for the full opening of all humanitarian corridors to grant urgently needed aid and basic services to the civilian population of Gaza. On October 27, South Africa was among the more than two-thirds of UN General Assembly members that called for an immediate ceasefire. This call has been ignored.

The actions that we are witnessing daily by Israel are a violation of international law, including the UN Charter and the Geneva Convention and its protocols. In its attacks on civilians and taking of civilian hostages, Hamas has also violated international law, and we have called for the hostages to be released.

International humanitarian law includes the obligation not to target civilian populations, and the responsibility to protect civilians in armed conflict. Under the Geneva Convention, hospitals must be protected. Article 12 clearly states: “Medical units shall be respected and protected at all times and shall not be the object of attack.” Article 14 categorically states: “Starvation of civilians as a method of combat is prohibited. It is therefore prohibited to attack, destroy, remove or render useless for that purpose, objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population such as foodstuffs, agricultural areas for the production of foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installations and supplies and irrigation works.”

In total disregard for the Geneva Convention, Israeli bombardments have continued and intensified across the Gaza Strip over the past five weeks. For international law to be credible, it should be applied uniformly and not selectively. Sadly, the crime of genocide looms large in Gaza.

The root causes of this war go back to Israel’s systematic oppression of the Palestinians over the past 75 years, the illegal occupation of their land, and the ever-expanding web of illegal settlements deep into Palestinian territory.

International human rights organisations, at least 17 of which are Israeli, and which include Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and B’Tselem, have characterised the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land as equivalent to the crime of apartheid. They condemn Israel’s blockade of Gaza for the past 17 years as having created the world’s largest open-air prison, with 2.4-million Palestinians unable to enter or exit freely, and the provision of water, electricity and goods is at the discretion of the occupiers.

The extreme nature of the crisis in Gaza must not obscure the fact that the West Bank and East Jerusalem are in turmoil. Since the 1993 Oslo Accords, the number of illegal Israeli settlers occupying Palestinian land has increased from 250,000 to more than 700,000 today. The desecration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, with the mob attacks on worshippers and residents of East Jerusalem peaking this year, has compounded the situation.

The totality of the oppression experienced by Palestinians, whether in Gaza or the West Bank, is what UN secretary-general Antònio Guterres was referring to when he recently said that “the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum”.

Israel is an occupying power, as confirmed by the International Court of Justice and the UN. As such, Israel can use tools to maintain the rule of law. An occupying state cannot exercise control over the territory it occupies and simultaneously militarily attack that territory on the basis that it is “foreign” and poses an exogenous national security threat.

According to international law, those living under occupation have the right to resist. Armed struggle against a colonial occupation force is endorsed under international law. Wars of national liberation have been embraced through the adoption of additional protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 as a protected and essential right of occupied people everywhere.

The ultimate solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict lies in the establishment of two states within the internationally agreed parameters. We continue to support this approach but are also aware that many Palestinians and Israelis are of the view that a just and lasting solution may include approaches that facilitate Palestinians and Israelis living together peacefully under arrangements where all their human rights are guaranteed and protected. A peace process initiated by the UN must commence urgently. Our common humanity dictates that all human lives matter and the time for the international community to act is now.

Pandor is minister of international relations & co-operation




Dr. Naledi Pandor

Sunday Times

12 Novemba 2023


Kwa muda mrefu sana watu wa Palestina wamekosa haki ya kuwepo kama binadamu na kufurahia uhuru ambao tulipigania kwa bidii hapa Afrika Kusini. Haki hizi si za baadhi na si za wengine. Tumeeleza hasira yetu kuhusu uhalifu wa kivita nchini Palestina, hasa shambulio kwa raia, wengi wao wakiwa watoto wasio na hatia, uharibifu wa miundombinu ya raia, shule za Umoja wa Mataifa, na karibu nusu ya hospitali zilizo Gaza.

Hata wakati wa giza la utawala wa ubaguzi wa rangi, hatukufanyiwa mashambulizi ya makusudi kwenye hospitali, shule au majengo ya makazi. Afrika Kusini ya utawala wa ubaguzi wa rangi ilikuwa na machungu yake kwa miongo mingi, lakini matukio tunayoshuhudia Gaza ni ukatili wa kiwango kingine.


Watu wa kawaida duniani kote, pamoja na Wayahudi wanaojitokeza na kusema kuwa uhalifu huu hautafanyika kwa jina lao, wamejitokeza barabarani kwa mamia ya maelfu kuonyesha mshikamano na watu wa Palestina.

Serikali kadhaa zimeahidi kuunga mkono Israel bila masharti, hata kutoa msaada wa kifedha na vifaa, ikiwa inaweza kusaidia kufanya na kushiriki katika uhalifu unaoendelea. Kwa kushindwa kuwawajibisha Israel kwa uvunjaji wake wa mara kwa mara wa sheria za kimataifa, wanaimarisha Israel kuendelea kufanya vitendo vyake bila adhabu na kudhoofisha utaratibu wa kisheria wa kimataifa wenye haki.

Ukiukwaji wa hivi karibuni wa sheria za kimataifa na mauaji ya makusudi ya raia, ikiwa ni pamoja na watoto, yanahitaji mara moja kuwekewa Israel marufuku ya silaha. Ili kuhakikisha kuna kupungua kwa hali hiyo, hii inapaswa kujumuisha marufuku kama hiyo kwa makundi ya silaha ya Kipalestina.


Amani haitapatikana kwa kutumia nguvu na utawala wa mamlaka inayokalia ardhi, wala kwa upinzani wa silaha wa Wapalestina. Amani inahitaji Umoja wa Mataifa na jumuiya ya kimataifa kuhakikisha kwamba kutokujali kwa Israel kwa miaka mingi kunakomeshwa.


Mwendesha mashtaka wa Mahakama ya Jinai ya Kimataifa (ICC) ameanzisha uchunguzi kuhusu hali nchini Palestina. Tunaita mwendesha mashtaka kuharakisha uchunguzi na kuchunguza ukiukwaji wa makosa matatu kati ya manne yaliyo chini ya ICC: uhalifu wa kivita, uhalifu dhidi ya ubinadamu na mauaji ya Halaiki.


Tunaamini kuwa hati za kukamatwa zinapaswa kutekelezwa kwa wale wanaowajibika zaidi kulingana na kanuni za ICC za amri na uwajibikaji wa juu. Hii ni pamoja na Waziri Mkuu Benjamin Netanyahu na baadhi ya mawaziri wake. Kushindwa kufanya hivyo kutazidisha dhihaka la kuongezeka kwa wazo kwamba sheria za kimataifa zinatumika kwa kuchagua kwa madhumuni ya kisiasa.



Uharibifu wa mzozo wa sasa ni wa kusikitisha na wa kutisha. Kulingana na uzito wa hali, Afrika Kusini imeitaka mara kwa mara kusitisha mapigano kwa haraka, kufungua njia zote za kibinadamu kutoa misaada na huduma muhimu kwa umma wa watu wa Gaza. Tarehe 27 Oktoba, Afrika Kusini ilikuwa miongoni mwa zaidi ya theluthi mbili ya wanachama wa Baraza Kuu la Umoja wa Mataifa waliotaka kusitisha mapigano mara moja. Wito huo umepuuzwa.

Matendo tunayoyaona kila siku ya Israel ni ukiukwaji wa sheria za kimataifa, ikiwa ni pamoja na Mkataba wa Umoja wa Mataifa na Mkataba wa Geneva na itifaki zake. Katika mashambulizi yake kwa raia na utekaji wa raia, Hamas pia imekiuka sheria za kimataifa, na tumetoa wito kwa mateka kuachiliwa.


Sheria ya kimataifa ya kibinadamu inajumuisha wajibu wa kutotenga idadi ya watu wa raia, na jukumu la kulinda raia wakati wa mapigano. Kulingana na Mkataba wa Geneva, hospitali zinapaswa kulindwa. Ibara ya 12 inasema wazi: "Vituo vya matibabu vitaheshimiwa na kulindwa wakati wote na havitakuwa lengo la shambulio." Ibara ya 14 inasema kwa uhakika: "Kutumia njaa kama njia ya mapigano kunakatazwa. Kwa hiyo, ni marufuku kushambulia, kuharibu, kuondoa au kufanya vitu visivyo vinginevyo vya kufanya kazi kwa lengo hilo, vitu muhimu kwa kuishi kwa idadi ya watu wa raia kama vile chakula, maeneo ya kilimo kwa uzalishaji wa chakula, mazao, mifugo, miundombinu ya maji ya kunywa, ugavi, na kazi za umwagiliaji."


Kwa kutotii kabisa Mkataba wa Geneva, mashambulizi ya Israel yameendelea na kuongezeka katika Ukanda wa Gaza kwa wiki tano zilizopita. Ili sheria ya kimataifa iwe na uaminifu, inapaswa kutumika kwa njia inayofanana na si kuchagua. Kwa kusikitisha, jinai ya mauaji ya kimbari/halaiki inaonekana wazi Gaza.


Chanzo cha msingi cha vita hivi kinarejea kwenye ukandamizaji wa kiholela wa Israel dhidi ya Wapalestina kwa miaka 75 iliyopita, uvamizi haramu wa ardhi yao, na mtandao unaokuwa kwa kasi wa makazi haramu ndani ya ardhi ya Wapalestina.

Mashirika ya kimataifa ya haki za binadamu, yakiwemo angalau 17 kutoka Israel, kama vile Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, na B'Tselem, yameelezea ukaliaji wa ardhi ya Kipalestina na Israel kuwa sawa na jinai ya ubaguzi wa rangi. Wanalaani Israel kwa kuiwekea Gaza mzingiro kwa miaka 17 na kuifanya kuwa gereza kubwa la wazi duniani, lenye Wapalestina milioni 2.4 wasioweza kuingia au kutoka kwa uhuru, na upatikanaji wa maji, umeme, na bidhaa uko kwa hiari ya wakaliaji.


Hali ya dharura katika Ukanda wa Gaza isisahaulishe kwamba Ukingo wa Magharibi na Jerusalem Mashariki viko kwenye machafuko. Tangu Mkataba wa Oslo wa 1993, idadi ya walowezi wa Kiyahudi wasiokuwa halali wanaoiteka ardhi ya Kipalestina imeongezeka kutoka 250,000 hadi zaidi ya 700,000 leo. Kuvunja kwa Msikiti wa Al-Aqsa, na mashambulizi ya kundi la waumini na wakazi wa Jerusalem Mashariki, limeongeza ugumu wa hali.


Jumla ya ukandamizaji unaopatikana na Wapalestina, ikiwa ni pamoja na Gaza au Ukingo wa Magharibi, ndio alilokuwa akilenga Katibu Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa António Guterres aliposema hivi karibuni kuwa "mashambulizi ya Hamas hayakutokea hewani."


Israel ni mamlaka inayokalia ardhi, kama ilivyothibitishwa na Mahakama ya Kimataifa ya Haki na Umoja wa Mataifa. Kwa hivyo, Israel inaweza kutumia zana kudumisha utawala wa sheria. Nchi inayokaliwa haitaweza kutumia udhibiti wake juu ya eneo inayokalia na wakati huo huo kuishambulia kijeshi eneo hilo kwa kisingizio kwamba ni "kigeni" na kuna kitisho cha usalama wa kitaifa kutoka nje.


Kulingana na sheria ya kimataifa, wale wanaoishi chini ya ukaliaji wana haki ya kupinga. Mapigano dhidi ya nguvu ya ukoloni yanaruhusiwa chini ya sheria ya kimataifa. Vita vya ukombozi wa kitaifa vimepokelewa kupitia kupitishwa kwa itifaki ya ziada I ya Mkataba wa Geneva wa 1949 kama haki iliyolindwa na muhimu ya watu walio chini ya ukaliaji kote.


Jibu la mwisho kwa mgogoro wa Israel-Palestina liko katika kuanzisha mataifa mawili kulingana na paramita zilizokubaliwa kimataifa. Tunazidi kusaidia njia hii lakini pia tunatambua kuwa Wapalestina na Waisraeli wengi wanaweza kuwa na maoni kwamba suluhisho la haki na la kudumu linaweza kujumuisha mikakati inayowezesha Wapalestina na Waisraeli kuishi pamoja kwa amani chini ya mifumo ambayo haki zao zote za binadamu zinahakikishiwa na kulindwa.

Mchakato wa amani ulioanzishwa na Umoja wa Mataifa unapaswa kuanza haraka. Kwa kawaida binadamu tunalindwa na kauli ya kwamba maisha/uhai ndio kitu muhimu na wakati wa jumuiya ya kimataifa kuchukua hatua ni sasa.

Pandor ni waziri wa uhusiano wa kimataifa na ushirikiano wa Afrika ya Kusini.

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