The National Office for Land Defense: Unprecedented violence by the colonizers dressed as the occupation army

Kuongezeka kwa Uvamizi wa Walowezi katika Ukingo wa Magharibi

Ripoti iliyotolewa na Ofisi ya Kitaifa ya Ulinzi wa Ardhi na Upinzani wa Makazi inaonyesha kuongezeka kwa shughuli za walowezi katika majimbo mbalimbali na maeneo ya Ukingo wa Magharibi (West Bank), wakitumia hali ya ukatili dhidi ya Ukanda wa Gaza. Walowezi, sasa wakiwa na silaha kutokana na uamuzi wa serikali ya Israeli kuwa na silaha, wamekuwa wamepangika vyema na kuwa kitisho kinachozidi kushamiri.

Ripoti inasisitiza kuundwa kwa vikundi vya kijeshi na walowezi "militias" miongoni mwa walowezi, wakifanya kazi pamoja na vikosi vya usalama vilivyoteuliwa kulinda makazi West Bank. Mabadiliko haya ya muundo yalitokea baada ya idadi kubwa ya walowezi kujiunga na jeshi la Israeli kushiriki katika uvamizi wa Gaza.

Batalioni ya "Netzah Yehuda," sehemu ya Kikosi cha Kfir, awali kilichoshiriki katika vitendo vya ukaliaji katika miji, vijiji, na kambi, kilisonga Gaza. Kufuatia hali hiyo, serikali ya Israeli iliamua kuunda vikosi vyenye majina mengi, ikiwa ni pamoja na "Vikosi vya Dharura," "Ulinzi wa Katar - Hagmar," na vingine, ambapo idadi kubwa ya wanachama wa kikundi cha kigaidi "Price Tag" walijiunga, wakitumia jina "Hilltop Youth" kama kifuniko cha raia kwa vitendo vyao.

Ripoti inaonyesha kuwa tangu walowezi hawa kujiunga na vikosi hivi vya kijeshi huko West Bank, ushahidi umeanza kukusanyika kuhusu kuhusika kwao katika vitendo vya ukatili, vitisho, na uharibifu wa mali za Wapalestina. Wanavaa sare za kijeshi, kubomoa nyumba, kuharibu miundombinu, kuvunja na kuharibu mashamba, kujenga barabara, kubomoa visima vya maji, na kuwazuia wananchi kufikia mashamba yao na ardhi zao.

Kulingana na B'Tselem, wakazi wa vijiji 16 vya Bedouin na wachungaji katika Eneo C wamelazimishwa kuondoka tangu mwanzo wa uvamizi, mara nyingine kwa sababu ya vurugu na vitisho vya walowezi kwa lengo la kulinda wanajeshi wao na ushiriki wao.

Ripoti inaonyesha kwamba Yesh Din - There is Law ilithibitisha katika ripoti yake ya hivi karibuni kuwa vurugu zilizofanywa na walowezi dhidi ya Wapalestina katika Ukingo wa Magharibi zimeandikisha idadi kubwa mwaka jana, huku Umoja wa Mataifa pia ukirekodi mashambulizi 1,225 dhidi ya Wapalestina wakati huo huo.

Ripoti inasema kuwa kasi ilikuwa kubwa ikilinganishwa na miaka iliyopita, na hali ya juu ilikuwa baada ya tarehe 7 Oktoba iliyopita, na mashambulizi yalijikita, haswa mwanzoni mwa mwaka huu, kusini mwa Mlima Hebron, ikiwa ni pamoja na kijiji cha Wadi Jahish na Shaab al-Batm, bila yeyote kuingilia kati kuzuia, ingawa Wapalestina walibainisha kuwa wanajeshi mara nyingi walikuwa walowezi kutoka eneo hilo katika visa kadhaa.

Nablus 13-1-2024 Wafa - A report prepared by the National Office for Land Defense and Settlement Resistance said that the settlers are taking advantage of the conditions of the brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip, to ignite the situation in more than one governorate and area in the West Bank.

The office added in the weekly settlement report issued on Saturday that these settlers have become more organized and dangerous, after the Israeli occupation government decided to arm them in light of the joining of a large number of them in the occupation army to fight in the Gaza Strip.

He explained that the colonists today are organized into military and paramilitary formations "militias", working side by side with the forces designated to secure the security of settlements and settlers in the West Bank, so that they do not face the fate of their counterparts in the Gaza envelope, according to the claim.

The report pointed out that the Kfir Brigade, within its framework the "Netzah Yehuda" battalion, was before the aggression a brute strike force in storming cities, villages and camps, in which daily crimes are committed, killing more than 350 citizens since the aggression began on October 7.

He pointed out that this force moved to the battlefront in the Gaza Strip, and as an alternative, the occupation government decided to build formations with many names, including "Emergency Teams", "Qatari Defense - Hagmar" and others, in which a large number of members of the terrorist group "Price Tag" joined, which uses the name "Hilltop Youth" as a civilian cover for its practices.

The report indicated that since these settlers joined the ranks of these military and paramilitary formations in the West Bank, testimonies began to accumulate their involvement in acts of violence, threats and destruction of Palestinian property, and they wear army uniforms, demolish homes, sabotage infrastructure, bulldoze and sabotage fields, build roads, demolish water wells, and prevent citizens from accessing their fields and lands.

According to B'Tselem, residents of 16 Bedouin and herding villages in Area C have been forced to leave since the beginning of the aggression, sometimes because of the violence and threats by these settlers to protect soldiers and their participation.

He pointed out that Yesh Din – There is Law confirmed in its latest report that the violence committed by settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank recorded a record number last year, while the United Nations also recorded 1,225 attacks against Palestinians during the same year.

The report stated that the pace was high compared to previous years, while the highest pace was after the seventh of last October, and the attacks were concentrated, especially at the beginning of this year, in the south of Mount Hebron, including in the village of Wadi Jahish and Shaab al-Batm, without anyone intervening to prevent them, although the Palestinians diagnosed soldiers as settlers from the area in a number of cases.

The report said that hundreds of attacks have been recorded since the beginning of the aggression, although only two investigations have been opened in the military police on suspicion of criminal offenses by soldiers of the "Emergency Teams", and "Hagmar", by the so-called "Central Region Command", which turns a blind eye to the violence of these people, and says that the recruitment process "Hagmar" took place within the framework of a quick examination as possible regarding each case, and the recruitment decisions were taken according to special circumstances, and in the case of other information, did not In the hands of the governing body at the time of recruitment, the matter will be re-examined, and decisions will be made accordingly.

This week's settlement report highlighted the impunity of settler violence, especially in the governorates of Hebron, Bethlehem, and the Palestinian Valley.

He said that the of the settlers covered several areas of Hebron governorate, where they assaulted citizens in the vicinity of Dura city with severe beatings, which resulted in the transfer of a number of them to Dura Hospital, and destroyed their agricultural crops.

In Yatta in the south, settlers from the settlement of Itskhar Man attacked shepherds in Wadi al-Jawaya, forcing them to leave pastures after attacking them, vandalizing a fence surrounding the area's land, releasing their livestock into citizens' agricultural crops and preventing others from cultivating their land.

In the area of "Wad Jahish" in Masafer Yatta, Israeli occupation soldiers, accompanied by settlers, detained and abused citizens and forced them to leave their lands.

In the Qwaiis area, settlers planted trees on citizens' lands, and others chased shepherds, preventing them from reaching pastures in the Wadi Ma'in area.

Dozens of armed settlers from "Itskhar Man" and "Ma'on" also attacked the gathering of Al-Jawaya in Masafer Yatta and the homes of citizens there, damaging their contents.

The settlers of "Susiya and Hafat Ma'on" destroyed the crops of citizens in the villages of Al-Rakeez, Al-Tuwaneh, Al-Mafaqara and Susiya, and released their livestock there under the protection of the heavily armed occupation police and soldiers.

In the Ma'in area, east of Yatta, the Israeli occupation forces, accompanied by armed settlers, assaulted citizens, chased them, prevented them from working on their lands, seized their agricultural equipment, and did with shepherds in the Fatih Sidra area of Al-Musafir and prevented them from reaching their land.

The town of Tarqumia was not spared from the attacks of the settlers, as they demolished agricultural rooms and stone chains, and bulldozed 20 dunums of the town's land, while the occupation forces prevented citizens from approaching their lands in the Taybeh area, close to the "Adora" settlement, an area that witnesses continuous attacks on citizens' property.

In the city of Hebron, which has not been spared the violence of heavily armed settlers, they abused citizens in the Old City of Hebron accompanied by occupation soldiers, while settlers from "Kiryat Arba" assaulted Palestinian citizens in the Jaber neighborhood of the town, searched them in a humiliating manner, and prevented them from standing on the balconies, windows, roofs and entrances of their homes.

Bethlehem governorate, which was also the scene of the of settlers, who stormed an archaeological and historical site in the town of Jannata to the east, and others wreaked havoc on Ein Hamda, a municipal water spring, surrounded by the bypass road and close to the settlement of Tekoa, and began restoration work in an attempt to seize hundreds of dunums of surrounding land.

In the wilderness of Tuqu', settlers erected two mobile homes in the area of "Tallet Danian", bringing the number of mobile homes in that area to 5, and erected an iron gate in the "Fataura" area to prevent citizens from accessing their lands, and they extended an electricity network to an old house, which they had seized after forcing its owner to evict it by force, and they also built roads in preparation for the establishment of a new colonial outpost in that area, after it was emptied of its owners, and their tents and homes were demolished.

In Khallet al-Nahleh, south of Bethlehem, the settlers uprooted 250 olive saplings and stole agricultural equipment in a scene that is frequently repeated in that area.

In the Jordan Valley and along its north, center and south, and violations continue from week to week without stopping.

Armed settlers, accompanied by the occupation army, attacked the lands of citizens in Arab Al-Malihat, west of Jericho, and according to Al-Baidar Organization for the Defense of Bedouin Rights, they placed a number of iron corners, with the aim of provoking citizens and expanding their control over their lands in the area located at the beginning of Al-Maarijat road, west of Jericho.

These attacks are part of the ongoing policy of occupation to expand settlements at the expense of the Palestinian territories.

In the northern Jordan Valley, Palestinian Red Crescent teams evacuated Qadri Alyan Daraghmeh, who was a victim of an attack by settlers on residents' tents in the Shweier area, and his livestock was seized.

In this context, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided last week to stop the evacuation and demolition of colonial outposts, which are erected by colonizers in the West Bank during the aggression, contrary to the instructions of Army Minister Yoav Galant, who ordered the evacuation of one colonial outpost in what the occupation state calls "Gush Etzion", in the Bethlehem governorate, after the extremist Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir launched a violent attack on the Minister of Army.

The National Office followed up on colonial activities last week, noting that Jerusalem remains the focus of the Judaization policy of the Israeli government and municipality.

The report stressed that the projects of the "fake" five-year plan for the development of East Jerusalem have disappeared, which were approved by the occupation government in August last year, to be replaced by projects to Judaize the city in a blatant manner.

At this level, and in the context of political propaganda and preparation for the campaign for the elections of municipalities and local authorities in the occupying power, the occupation municipality in Jerusalem last weekend, without legal basis, pre-empted the judicial procedures in the courts of Jerusalem, and announced in advance the approval of the colonial plan called "Silicon Valley", which extends along Wadi Al-Joz Road and Othman Bin Affan Street, to build buildings of 8 to 14 floors on the ruins of commercial and industrial shops in the Al-Quds Industrial Zone.

The report pointed out that the plan, as confirmed by the petitioners against it from the people of Jerusalem, is disastrous for Jerusalemites, and affects the owners of workshops in the industrial zone, and their property rights by seizing their shops, despite their need for housing and an industrial zone, and not for a colonial project aimed at removing an entire industrial zone for Jerusalemites that was originally established before the occupation.

The plan includes the seizure of 2,000 dunums of Palestinian-owned land, the demolition of 200 industrial facilities and workshops in Wadi Joz, and the construction of a high-tech and technology complex, with services, cafes, hotels, huge towers and commercial centers.

In its plan, the Israeli municipality aims to transform the Palestinian neighborhoods near the walls of the Old City and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque into a technological, industrial and commercial center, and a colonial attraction and investment area at the expense of Jerusalemites' lands.

Notably, 87 percent of the land in the city is not available for Palestinian construction, and only 13 percent of the land is allocated for Palestinian use, although most of these areas are already built and overcrowded.

At the same time, the Israeli municipality approved the establishment of a garbage dump on an area of 109 dunums in a densely populated area of Jerusalemites in a valley near Issawiya, Anata and Ras Shehadeh, east of occupied Jerusalem, and this plan dates back to 2012, when the municipality intended to establish it on an area of 520 dunums in the same place, but the Jerusalemites, with the help of the association "Bimkom - Planners for Planning Rights", prevented this in the Israeli courts for a whole decade, and were able to reduce the damage and stop the demolition 70 residential and commercial facilities to implement this scheme.

According to the new plan, the landfill area will spread over an area of only 109 dunums, a quarter of the area allocated to the landfill in the previous version of the plan for 2022, and about a fifth of this size from the original plan for 2012, where the landfill was supposed to extend over about 520 dunums.

In addition, the new plan requires that the volume of waste should not exceed 350,000 cubic meters only, an amount that constitutes between 4-7% of the volume of dust planned in previous versions, ranging between 5-8 million cubic meters.

The weekly violations documented by the National Office for Land Defense and Settlement Resistance were as follows during the reporting period:

Jerusalem: The Israeli occupation forces blew up the homes of the two martyrs, Murad (38 years old) and Ibrahim Nimr (30 years old) in the town of Sur Baher, and the occupation had closed the two houses on the second of last month with the meat of doors and windows to prevent entry to them, and another house in the town belonging to the Al-Khatib family after attacking its owners.

The Israeli occupation forces also demolished a shack belonging to Ismail Alyan in the town of Anata, and bulldozed land in Wadi Al-Rababa neighborhood in Silwan town.

Hebron: The Israeli occupation forces bulldozed 6 dunums of land in Tel Rumeida neighborhood in the center of the city, owned by the Hebron municipality and planted with 50 perennial olives, in preparation for seizing it, in addition to erecting an iron gate at the entrance to the land.

The Israeli occupation forces are working to build new colonial roads located between the areas of Thaala and um al-Khair, east of Yatta, in order to link the settlements of "Karmiel" and "Ma'on", another road between the settlement of "Bani Hefer" and the area of Birin, northeast of Yatta, and a third road between the settlement of "Atnael" west of Yatta towards Khallet al-Farra.

The Israeli occupation forces also closed with earth mounds the entrances to the communities in Masafer Yatta and to the east. They demolished two 120-square-meter houses and barns, more than 80 years old before the occupation, bulldozed land in their vicinity and agricultural ponds, and uprooted several fruit and forest trees, owned by Murad Abdel Samie Ashour in the village of Birin, south of Hebron.

Israeli occupation soldiers and settlers beat Omar Abdel Hadi al-Qassas (33 years old) south of Hebron, resulting in bruises, after which he was transferred to Dura Hospital, and in the town of Yatta, they detained and abused the citizen Muhammad Al-Nawaj'a.

Ramallah: Settlers uprooted a number of grape and almond trees in the land of Qassem Ghafri, in the Abu al-Awf area of Sinjil, and vandalized the water tanks he uses to irrigate his land.

Bethlehem: The Israeli occupation forces bulldozed two dunums of land belonging to Omar Ismail Issa in the Khalail Al-Louz area, southeast of Bethlehem, and Ibrahim Oweidah Sawarka (40 years old) was injured with fractures, wounds and bruises, after settlers assaulted him with severe beatings, while he and his family were in the tent in the wilderness of Kisan and fired police dogs at him, where they ravaged his foot and caused him fractures, wounds and bruises throughout his body, and he was transferred to the hospital in Bethlehem for treatment, in addition to destroying All the contents of the tent.

The Israeli occupation forces arrested Mahmoud Abayat (16 years old) while he was grazing his sheep, and stole 60 heads from him, while he was on his land in the "Ghorab's nest" area, east of Bethlehem.

The Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Nahalin, positioned themselves at the northern entrance in Wad Salem, searched agricultural lands, forced Obeida Ibrahim Shakarneh and Mohammed Sawad to leave their lands, seized an agricultural tractor belonging to Ali Shakarneh, burned a vehicle, destroyed solar panels and damaged surveillance cameras belonging to Moataz Najajra.

Settlers uprooted 250 olive seedlings in Khallet al-Nahleh, south of Bethlehem, from land belonging to Naji Farraj, and the occupation forces seized a digger in the village of Nahalin for a citizen while he was working to reclaim agricultural land in the Khallet al-Dalia area, and prevented farmers from working on their land, knowing that the area of Khallet al-Dalia, which is estimated at 200 dunums, is planted with perennial olive trees, vines and almonds, which are the private property of citizens.

Nablus: The Israeli occupation forces seized a vehicle belonging to the detainee Ghassan Zoqan, raided his house, tampered with its contents, and raided a printing press belonging to the Zoqan family, and seized its equipment after destroying its contents.

Settlers demolished the walls of an agricultural room belonging to Thaer from the town of Qusra, and equipment was stolen from it, and the house of Raed Yassin in Burqa, north of Nablus, was broken following an attack by the settlers.

Salfit: The Israeli occupation forces demolished a car wash and a nursery belonging to Mohammed Mansour in the town of Kifl Haris, while settlers burned an agricultural room and olive trees owned by Najeh Harb from the town of Kafr Al-Di in the Al-Jaffa area in the northern face of the town.

Jenin: Settlers under the protection of the occupation forces attacked Khirbet al-Hamam between Kafr Ra'i, al-Nazlat and Khirbet al-Makhal, and beat Majdi al-Makhal, and assaulted citizens' lands in the northern region "Tabars area" of Kafr Ra'i lands, and prevented citizens from entering and working in their lands, while others assaulted the young man Ihsan Muhammad Saabneh from the village of Fahma.

Tulkarm: Two months ago, Israeli bulldozers bulldozed lands near the settlement known as "Sunbula" or "Haramish" settlement from the lands of Al-Nazlah al-Sharqiya, north of Tulkarm, with the aim of expanding them, preventing their owners from entering them and informing the owners of the houses built on them of their intention to demolish them in the coming days.

The soldiers beat anyone who approached the area, fired live bullets at them, and seized tractors and agricultural equipment belonging to farmers who work on the agricultural land of Al-Mughraqa, adjacent to Al-Nazlat Al-Sharqiya, from which they subsist, and from which they live, which is their only source of livelihood.

Jordan Valley: The Israeli occupation forces seized a bulldozer while facilitating a road in the area of Al-Ras Al-Ahmar in the northern Jordan Valley. And on an agricultural tractor belonging to Hussein Zuhdi Daraghmeh, while working in the "Ghazal Spring" area in Persian.

Two Palestinian shepherds were severely beaten as a result of the attack by settlers in the northern Jordan Valley along Road 90, and one of them was transferred to the Turkish Hospital in Tubas, Turkey, for treatment.

The settlers also opened fire on a private vehicle belonging to Luay Qadri Alyan Daraghmeh, causing severe damage to it, while the occupation police then seized it.

The colonizers, under the protection of the occupation army and police, seized 500 cattle, belonging to the citizens Qadri Daraghmeh and Adel Alyan Zamil Daraghmeh, and drove them to the "Rosh Habqaa" camp of the occupation army, where they loaded them with large trucks, and drove them to an unknown destination.


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