Papa Francisi Alaani Ugaidi Baada ya Jeshi la Israel Kuua Wanawake 2 Wakristo: Gaza City

Papa Francis amelaani ugaidi huku akilaani mauaji ya wanawake wawili Wakristo waliouliwa "kinyama" wakijificha kanisani huko Gaza, kwa mujibu wa ripoti, Mauaji yaliyofanywa na sniper wa jeshi la Israel.

"Wengine wanasema, 'Huu ni ugaidi na vita,'" Papa alisema. "Ndio, hii ni vita na Ni ugaidi." Uongozi wa juu wa kanisa wa Kilatini huko Yerusalemu ulitoa taarifa Jumamosi, ukidai kwamba mshambuliaji wa jeshi la Israel "aliwaua wanawake wawili Wakristo ndani ya Parokia Takatifu ya Familia huko Gaza, ambapo familia nyingi za Kikristo zimekimbilia katika eneo hilo tangu kuanza kwa vita."

Papa Francis alizungumzia kuhusu mashambulio hayo Jumapili alipokuwa akizungumza na mahujaji waliokusanyika katika Uwanja wa Mt. Petro, akitoa maoni kuhusu tukio hilo wakati Israel ikikabiliwa na ghadhabu inayoongezeka ulimwenguni kutokana na idadi kubwa ya vifo vya raia wa Kipalestina katika vita vyake na Hamas.

Taarifa za mashambulio zilitokea siku moja baada ya wanajeshi wa IDF kuwaua kwa watu watatu wa Israeli waliokuwa wakiashiria bendera kusalimu amri.

"Naendelea kupokea habari za kutia hofu kutoka Gaza. Raia wasio na silaha wanashambuliwa kwa mabomu na risasi. Na hii ilitokea ndani ya jengo la Parokia ya Familia Takatifu, ambapo hakuna magaidi, bali familia, watoto, wagonjwa na watu wenye ulemavu, watawa," Papa alisema baada ya hotuba yake ya Angelus Jumapili.

"Mama na binti yake, Bibi Nahida Khalil Anton na binti yake Samar Kamal Anton, waliuawa na watu waliokuwa na bunduki za kijeshi wakati walipokuwa wanakwenda bafuni," Papa aliendelea.

IDF haikutoa onyo lolote kabla ya kufyatua risasi, na hakukuwa na wanamgambo wa Hamas kanisani wakati huo, ilisema taarifa ya Patriaki.

"Nahida na binti yake Samar waliuawa walipokuwa wanakwenda kwenye monasteri ya masista," ilisema taarifa hiyo, wakati ikitumia majina ya kwanza tu ya wahanga.

"Mmoja aliuliwa alipokuwa akijaribu kumbeba mwingine kuokoa maisha yake," huku watu wengine "kama saba wakijeruhiwa" wakijaribu "kuwalinda wengine ndani ya ua wa kanisa."

Jeshi la Israel baadaye lilithibitisha shambulio hilo, likidai kwamba kulikuwa na kombora limehifadhiwa ndani ya parokia, lakini hawakutoa maelezo juu ya chanzo cha taarifa hiyo.

Mizinga ya Israel pia iliwalenga Watawa wa Dada wa Mama Theresa, sehemu ya uwanja wa kanisa inayohifadhi watu wenye ulemavu, ikiharibu umeme na huduma zake.


 Pope Francis condemned terrorism while denouncing the killing of two Christian women who were shot "in cold blood" while taking shelter at a Catholic church in Gaza City, allegedly by a sniper in the Israeli military.

Dec. 17 (UPI) -- Pope Francis on Sunday condemned terrorism while denouncing the killing of two Christian women who were shot "in cold blood" while taking shelter at a Catholic church in Gaza City, allegedly by a sniper in the Israeli military.

"Some are saying, 'This is terrorism and war,'" the Pope said. "Yes, it is war. It is terrorism. "The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem issued a statement Saturday, claiming that a sharpshooter in the Israel Defense Forces "murdered two Christian women inside the Holy Family Parish in Gaza, where the majority of Christian families has taken refuge since the start of the war."

Pope Francis addressed the shootings Sunday while speaking to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square, weighing in on the incident as Israel faced growing outrage globally due to the high number of Palestinian civilian deaths amid its war with Hamas.

News of the shootings came a day after IDF soldiers accidentally shot and killed three Israeli hostages who were waving a white flag.

"I continue to receive very serious and painful news from Gaza. Unarmed civilians are subjected to bombings and shootings. And this even happened inside the parish complex of the Holy Family, where there are no terrorists, but families, children, sick and disabled people, nuns," the Pope said following his Angelus address Sunday.

"A mother and her daughter, Mrs. Nahida Khalil Anton and daughter Samar Kamal Anton, were killed and other people injured by sharpshooters, while going to the bathroom," the Pope continued.

The IDF did not issue any warnings ahead of opening fire, and no Hamas militants were in the parish at the time, the Patriarchate statement said.

"Nahida and her daughter Samar were shot and killed as they walked to the sisters' convent," the statement said, while using only the first names of the victims.

"One was killed as she tried to carry the other to safety," as at least seven more people were 'shot and wounded' while trying to "protect others inside the church compound."

The Israeli military later justified the attack, claiming that a rocket launcher was being stored inside the parish, but didn't provide details about the source of the intelligence.

Palestinian news agencies said the shootings happened after a heavy Israeli barrage in the area around the Holy Family Parish, where dozens were reported dead.

Israeli tanks also targeted the Convent of the Sisters of Mother Theresa, part of the parish compound that houses dozens of disabled people, destroying the facility's power and utilities.

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