Former Malaysian Prime Minister Condemns Gaza Killings Through Global Perspectives.


1. The world is watching the mass murder of Palestinians by the Israelis.

2. It is not a war. We don’t see Palestinian soldiers fighting the Israeli invaders.

3. All we see are Israeli soldiers, fully armed, killing and wounding unarmed Palestinians. We see children being killed. We see babies being deprived of oxygen and dying. We see hospitals being forced to evacuate. And Gaza city is razed to the ground clearly burying Palestinians.

4. The picture is one of mass killing by armed Israeli soldiers, day in and day out. There is no resistance of any kind by the Palestinians.

5. It is not war. It is mass murder. It is ethnic cleansing. It is genocide.

6. But the world can do nothing as the American and European Governments clearly approve of what Israel is doing.

7. The Europeans and the Americans are as culpable for the genocide that is going on because they obviously approve.

8. So this is the new world order. This is the world order according to the American and European Governments.

9. I would like to say God help us.

10. But these Governments do not believe in God. They cannot. They have abandoned their own religions.


Nov 23, 2023



1. Dunia inashuhudia mauaji ya halaiki ya Wapalestina yanayofanywa na Waisraeli.

2. Hii si vita. Hatuoni wanajeshi wa Kipalestina wakipigana na jeshi la wavamizi wa Kiyahudi.

3. Tunachokiona ni wanajeshi wa Kiyahudi, wenye silaha kamili, wakiwaua na kuwajeruhi Wapalestina wasio na silaha. Tunashuhudia watoto wakifariki. Tunashuhudia watoto wakipokonywa hewa na kufa. Tunashuhudia hospitali zikilazimika kuhamishwa. Na mji wa Gaza unaporomoshwa kabisa, waziwazi ukizika Wapalestina.

4. Picha inaonyesha mauaji ya halaiki yanayofanywa na wanajeshi wa Kiyahudi, siku baada ya siku. Hakuna upinzani wowote kutoka kwa Wapalestina.

5. Hii si vita. Ni mauaji ya halaiki. Ni kuisafisha jamii ya wapalestina. Ni mauaji

6. Lakini dunia haina uwezo wa kufanya chochote kwani serikali za Marekani na Ulaya zinaonekana kuidhinisha wazi kile Israel wanachofanya.

7. Ulaya na Wamarekani wanawajibika sawa kwa jinai ya mauaji ya halaiki inayoendelea kwa sababu bila shaka wanakubaliana nayo.

8. Hivyo basi, huu ndio utaratibu mpya wa dunia. Huu ndio utaratibu wa dunia kulingana na serikali za Marekani na Ulaya.

9. Ningependa kusema Mungu atusaidie.

10. Lakini serikali hizi haziamini katika Mungu. Hawawezi. Wameziacha dini zao wenyewe.


Novemba 23, 2023

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