Accidentally, the Minister Admitted that Israel Possesses Nuclear Warheads

Far-right minister and member of ben Gvir’s party Amichai Elyahu, called for nuking Gaza and transferring the survivors to Ireland. 

First, he inadvertently admitted to Israel’s possession of nuclear warheads - an open secret that Israel continues to deny. 

Second, he confirmed the genocidal mentality and intent of the Israeli government (existed long before October 7). 

However, relative to the size of the population, the death toll in Gaza (9800 to 2.3 million) has already surpassed the death toll of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. 

Gaza is being nuked, but without the N-bomb.  

End the aggression NOW.

Waziri na mwanachama wa chama cha Ben Gvir, Amichai Elyahu, ametoa wito wa kutumia bomu la nyuklia Gaza na kuhamisha waathirika kwenda Ireland.

Kwanza, kwa bahati mbaya alikiri umiliki wa vichwa vya vita vya nyuklia vya Israel - siri iliyokuwa wazi ambayo Israel inaendelea kukanusha.

Pili, alithibitisha nia ya kibaguzi na lengo la serikali ya Israel (iliyokuwepo kabla ya Oktoba 7.

Hadi sasa, idadi ya vifo Gaza ni (9800 kati ya watu milioni 2.3) tayari idadi hiyo imezidi idadi ya vifo vya Hiroshima na Nagasaki.

Gaza inashambuliwa kwa Nyuklia, bila kutumia bomu la nyuklia.

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