Attacks by Jewish Settlers in Israel: Defiance of U.S. Orders and Continued Aggression Against Palestinians.

The settlers defy the American executive order and continue their assaults against Palestinians under official Israeli protection. 

Before the ink dries on the executive order signed by President Joe Biden imposing sanctions on several settlers who committed attacks against Palestinian citizens and their land, settlers, protected by the occupation forces, attacked residents of the Ras Al-Auja community north of Jericho, stole their sheep, and brought trucks to load them after the theft. 

Earlier today, settlers also prevented farmers from grazing their livestock in the Arab Al-Mleihat area northwest of Jericho, following the colonial pastoral occupation policy aimed at seizing land for control. Meanwhile, the occupation forces prevented citizens from entering their lands in the Um Tair area near Susya in the Masafer Yatta region south of Hebron, arresting one citizen—a blatant defiance of President Biden's decision and a continuation of settler militias and their armed organizations, supported by the Israeli government, to escalate further chaos, intimidate Palestinian citizens, and steal their lands, as part of the ongoing silent gradual annexation of the occupied West Bank for settlement expansion.

The ministry sees these provocative attacks as a reflection of official Israeli positions expressed by ministers in the Israeli government after the signing of the American executive order. Finance Minister Smotrich, an extremist, affirmed his commitment to promoting settlement even if subjected to American sanctions.

 The fascist minister Ben Gvir also claimed that settlers are the ones facing attacks, denying the reality of settler militias' aggression, protected by occupation forces, against Palestinian citizens, their land, properties, homes, vehicles, and sacred sites. The ministry also emphasizes that the Israeli government pays no attention to international and American calls to stop settlement or hold those responsible for settler violence against Palestinians accountable, as urged by the U.S. State Department.

The ministry believes that international reactions to settlement, settler violence, and terrorism remain low and weak despite the progress in rejecting countries' positions on settlement and imposing sanctions on extremist settlers. However, these measures are still insufficient and do not serve as a deterrent to halt their violations and crimes. 

The ministry calls for placing settler organizations on terrorism lists, imposing deterrent sanctions on their members and leaders, and pressuring the Israeli side to dismantle them, disarm them, lift protection, and arrest and prosecute the perpetrators of crimes against Palestinians.

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